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QiGong, pronounced "Chee kung," is a 4000 years old conscious movement practice traditionally used throughout Asia for health maintenance, healing, and longevity. Practicing induces relaxation, decreases stress by lowering cortisol levels, increases blood and lymphatic flow, and increases oxygenation of blood.
The movements are performed mindfully & slowly. The practitioner deliberately cultivates awareness of participating & aligning with a greater cycle of Life. Within each individual practice, movements expand & contract, re-minding consciousness of its natural rhythms. The origin of the characters for yin and yang come from the idea of the sunny and shady sides of a hill.
Yin/Yang represents the polarities of nature in the natural rhythms of the Universe. Yin is associated with the earth, darkness, receptivity, & absorption. Yang is associated with heaven, light, activity, penetration. Yin movements return to center, condensing energy. Yang movements expand outward.
Studies have shown that Qigong fosters resilience, autonomy, competence, relatedness, well-being, health, and self-efficacy. The inclusion of Qigong as a complementary practice for people suffering from chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia, CFS, arthritis, pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD, cancer has been shown to increase Quality of Life (QOL), reduce side effects of chemotherapy, increase feelings of self-efficacy, and promote better overall health.
When practicing, you may experience some heat in your hands, or areas of your body like your belly, heart, feet, or top of the head. This is normal and indicates your Qi is moving. If you feel light headed, pause, or perform the movements sitting on a bench or chair.
I have resequenced the practices below to build on each other. Of course, you can do them individually. But the sequence below builds into a powerful calling of your destiny in this order: Spreading the Waters; Te (Empowering); Falling Leaves; The Greeting; Carry Tiger/Phoenix Rising; Heaven Slicing; Iron Bridge.
For relaxation, Spreading the Waters or Falling Leaves are appropriate.
Spreading the Waters quiets fear & anxiety while promoting peace & calm equanimity. It aligns with the Chinese element Water which serves Kidneys & Bladder and the emotions of fear and anxiety.
"De"suggests Integrity, Inner Power, & Strength. This exercise moves from the Yin stance of ambiguity & uncertainty into the Yang stance of clarity, decision, & empowerment. Use to build confidence, strengthen Qi, this is a Heart (Fire element) & Lung (Metal element) exercise.
Falling Leaves Qigong practice is good for letting go, helping manage transitions, & processing grief. Autumn is a good time to perform this exercise. It aligns with the Chinese element Metal which connects with Lungs, Large Intestine, sorting, grief, & letting go.
This practice works with Wood element (Liver/Gallbladder - Anger) and Earth element (Stomach/Spleen - Worry). It is good for connecting with anger as a positive, necessary energy to move out of depression's stagnation to promote clarity - bringing what has been relegated to the unconscious into the light - and action - breaking the spell of trauma-induced paralysis (flight/freeze/collapse).
A letting go, processing grief & trauma 2 part practice, Carry Tiger to the Mountain & Phoenix Rising are performed as a set, aligning with Chinese elements of Metal (Lungs & Large Intestine/Grief) Fire (Heart & Small Intestine/Joy) & Earth (Stomach & Spleen/Worry).
Taoist Qigong Wood Element (Liver/Gallbladder - Anger/Expression/Creativity) practice for working with clarity around boundaries & for releaseing anger. This practice is also good for cutting through stagnation & stuckness. It is beneficial to prepare for this practice and conclude it with three repetitions of Spreading the Waters.
Iron Bridge Qigong touches Earth (stomach/spleen), Metal (lungs/large intestine) and Fire (heart/small intestine) energies. By making one half of a bridge, the practitioner enacts a calling of their future towards them. Behind the practitioner, envision their ancestors, whose own bridges culminated in the practitioner's current presence. The practitioner casts into the future their own seed and destiny.